ハワイアン・ビーズワックス・スクワラン・アイバーム ローズ&ローズヒップオイル (4.25g)








3 に対するレビューハワイアン・ビーズワックス・スクワラン・アイバーム ローズ&ローズヒップオイル (4.25g)

  1. 5段階で 5 の評価

    Maria Wynn

    I bought this eye balm last week at the art show by the zoo! I could kick myself for not buying more! Love it! Keep it on my night stand and put it on when I’m crawling in. Love the way it feels and my skin loves it!

  2. 5段階で 5 の評価

    Jennifer Fietsam (承認)

    I bought a bunch of stuff from her when we were on vacation for our honeymoon a few years ago, and this lip therapy was part of it and I loved it and I purchased more just recently and you’re gonna love it ! I just recently used up the last of the soap that I bought, and so I decided to go online and purchase more- I bought a lot of stuff the first trip and every thing I bought, I used – I love the ingredients, as it’s far above the rest & I’m a big fan of the coffee scrub soap –
    I just purchased soap for gifts for Christmas and stocking stuffers, and I plan on purchasing more and continue to buy as long as she makes it 🙂 this time I bought dog paw salve and dog soap, and I’m excited to try it out. This will be the first time for that, but I can only guess it’s gonna be great, just like the rest, Godspeed to her, and God bless her always – THANK YOU for your LOVE of natural ingredients !!! It makes a world of difference 😉

  3. 5段階で 5 の評価

    JenniferFromFlorida (承認)

    The Eye Balm WORKS ! It really WORKS… it works on tired puffy eyes and leaves the eyes looking young and supple – I LOVE it ! And it’s very easy to apply too … after I wash my face, I just put on her hyaluronic acid facial serum and then I put the eye-balm on … I also put it on throughout the day – even at night before bed – I got my husband turned onto too it REALLY works ! TRY IT ! There’s something to be said by using natural ingredients that come from an island that is made from volcanic ash – the ingredients are highly far more superior than stuff you get here in the mainland of the United States – GODSPEED too Pualani Soap

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